Multiple Sources for an Application

Beta Feature

Specifying multiple sources for an application is a beta feature. The UI and CLI still generally behave as if only the first source is specified. Full UI/CLI support will be added in a future release. This feature is subject to change in backwards incompatible ways until it is marked stable.

Argo CD has the ability to specify multiple sources for a single Application. Argo CD compiles all the sources and reconciles the combined resources.

You can provide multiple sources using the sources field. When you specify the sources field, Argo CD will ignore the source (singular) field.

See the below example for specifying multiple sources:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: guestbook
  5. namespace: argocd
  6. spec:
  7. project: default
  8. destination:
  9. server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
  10. namespace: default
  11. sources:
  12. - chart: elasticsearch
  13. repoURL:
  14. targetRevision: 8.5.1
  15. - repoURL:
  16. path: guestbook
  17. targetRevision: HEAD

The above example has two sources specified. Argo CD will generate the manifests for each source separately and combine the resulting manifests.

If multiple sources produce the same resource (same group, kind, name, and namespace), the last source to produce the resource will take precedence. Argo CD will produce a RepeatedResourceWarning in this case, but it will sync the resources. This provides a convenient way to override a resource from a chart with a resource from a Git repo.

Helm value files from external Git repository

Helm sources can reference value files from git sources. This allows you to use a third-party Helm chart with custom, git-hosted values.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Application
  3. spec:
  4. sources:
  5. - repoURL: ''
  6. chart: prometheus
  7. targetRevision: 15.7.1
  8. helm:
  9. valueFiles:
  10. - $values/charts/prometheus/values.yaml
  11. - repoURL: ''
  12. targetRevision: dev
  13. ref: values

In the above example, the prometheus chart will use the value file from git.example.gom/org/value-files.git. $values resolves to the root of the value-files repository. The $values variable may only be specified at the beginning of the value file path.

If the path field is set in the $values source, Argo CD will attempt to generate resources from the git repository at that URL. If the path field is not set, Argo CD will use the repository solely as a source of value files.


Sources with the ref field set must not also specify the chart field. Argo CD does not currently support using
another Helm chart as a source for value files.